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Cake & Muffins

Fattenburg 2

For the last 10 years of my 13 year life I have eaten Battenberg cake whenever I could, so the choice of what to...

Epic Teacake

I’m afraid there are no photos of the initial stages of the Pimp due to the immense excitement that my Boyfriend and I felt...

Damn Good Danish

Following the success of our 'Mega Massive Mars', we decided to embark upon another pimping challenge, but this time with a snack that didn't...

Coconut Macaroon

After looking at and alot of time considering what to make (3 weeks) we decided to make a coconut macaroon! Full of...

Fondant ‘Fancy That’!

Estimated cost: £9.88 Time taken: 28 hours (includes sleeping time 8 hours) Ingredients 500g butter 600g Caster sugar 4...

Giant Chocolate Crispie Cake

6 large boxes of rice crispies 14 Bars of cooking chocolate? Large bowl - bucket! small bowls to mix and spoons ...

Titanic Teacake

We had originally intended to pimp a Mars Delight, because we hadn’t seen it done, and a giant one would likely provide...

The Lemon Wedge

8 eggs 400g Butter 500g Flour 400g Caster Sugar 8 tsp Lemon Juice Rinds of 5 Lemons (Don't cut...

Wembley Arena

We decided that there were not enough snacks to replicate without copying other peoples and running the risk of being sued. There was only...

Mega Muffin

Ingredients. Flour (if its been around for a while watch out for Weevils) Sugar Eggs Milk Cocoa Powder Baking Powder Pimped Choc chips (a Dairy Milk bar…) Approximate cost… about 9 quid. The...

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