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Billionaire Shortbread 2

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Millionaire shortbread HA! Feel like a king with Billionaire Shortbread. Although after the sugar high you could be convinced you are!

Easy to make. Simple shortbread mixture – Butter Sugar and Flour.

We used about 550g of flour (self raising), 200g of caster sugar and 300g of butter. Add them all together mush them all up and pack down into either a deep tray (lining the dish with greaseproof paper would have been a good idea but then I couldn’t lick the dish so really a personal choice here). and put in the oven at about 180 degrees and bake for around 30-40 minutes (I think? or just keep looking until it goes golden).

Tada this is what it should look like. oh yes leave to cool before adding anything else.

Then was the fun caramel part where we just kept adding sugar until we thought we had enough to smother the shortbread. For the most basic caramel all you need is sugar, simply put it in a HUGE pan and place under the heat. Keep a very close eye on it at all times and make sure it doesn’t burn or clump together. Keep stirring and when it reaches the correct consistency simply add to your shortbread base. This will need to set so we left it in the fridge overnight.

Then the fun chocolate part (ok yes it was all fun to do especially when your job was to lick the bowls at the end). Everyone knows how to melt chocolate so I wont tell you how to do that. I will say we used about 4 x 300g bars.

Then simply pour over the base of shortbread and caramel and allow to cool and set, again for a few hours or if you can wait, (we couldn’t), you could leave it overnight. And then simply slide out the baking dish and serve. I will advise not eating too much of it at any one time though!!


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