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1) Take 12 tasty Kinder Buenos. 2) Remove All non-tasty packaging. 3) Take 1 savage blender. 4) Add Bueno, cube by cube, to blender whilst savouring sweet,...

Upside-Down Toffee Crisp

The Upside Down Toffee Crisp by Cindii After my sister's suggestion of pimping a snack at 2am to relieve...

Mega Pancakes

This was a surprisingly quick to make snack, that comes in at over 2000cals. I wanted a pancake breakfast with as much bacon in...

Giant Yorkie

Approx cost: £7.00 During number ones easter holiday, number two came over and decided to help make a Giant Yorkie. Why a giant Yorkie? Well...

Cheesecake Party Ring

Description: Starbucks frappachino coffee things and Starbucks frappachino vanilla things flavoured cheesecake with a base made from party rings and royal icing sugar...

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